Well helllllllooo everybody! (There was a very specific way I just said that…wish you could have heard it J) It’s been a while since I have endeavored to whip up some fantastically- spun narrative of our lives… you have now been updated on Lindsey’s trip to New Zealand so I’m going to entertain (or bore) you with my latest trip to Sydney. Hmm, where to begin…
Brandi and I caught the morning train to Sydney for $3.90. Yes, that’s right. We paid $7.80 total to go to Sydney. Beat that! So we had a lovely 2.5 hour train ride and of course took the opportunity to hit up Paddy’s Market and some other little places because like usual, we brought the rain with us. It kindly cleared up as soon as we were ready to quit shopping and we checked into the X Base Hostel and met our grumpy roommate. Well sort of…she didn’t actually say anything to us but I could tell she loved that we said hi to her.
We always manage to meet the most interesting people in Sydney. This trip was no exception. As the directionally impaired person I am, I immediately whipped out my map to find where we were and were bombarded by this man begging to help us find wherever it is we wanted to go. After wiping the apple off our clothes that he had spewed all over us in his excitement, we hightailed it away from him as quickly as our little overloaded stems could handle. We also found ourselves an older man who wanted to know who the authority gods were of the city. He didn't know because he was from the planet Terrafina. We graciously explained that we didn't know, we were foreigners too. Then he wanted to know if something was funny because Brandi was smirking. I told him that no, nothing was funny. She was just happy. That made him angry because he informed us that he was unhappy. When we finally asked him to leave us alone so we could eat our breakfast, he muttered to us how we should enjoy our marriages because he was unhappily single. Yeah, made a lot of sense to us too. Ooohh the personalities you meet....
Sydney is overflowing with the coolest little streets and alleys and views. Every time we go we find another little hole in the wall or something that should be featured on Australia’s Best Kept Secrets. That probably doesn’t even exist, but it should. I volunteer to write it. Anyways, we soaked it all in on Friday and then happily ran into our friends who were busking on the street corner again. Needless to say, every time we run into buskers we end up spending hours getting caught up in the music. It was a lively Friday night, so there was a lot of people getting involved and somehow Brandi and I found ourselves on the street corner of George and Liverpool being swung around by some very drunk Nepalese guys. I think they had fun. (For anyone who is concerned, we weren’t two girls unattended in the big city…we had Rob with us J) He cheerfully redirected them to some Asian girls who ‘looked like they wanted to dance.’ They clearly didn’t but it did the trick. At least it did for about forty-five seconds or so. Even with their antics, we had the most fun night that we have ever had in Sydney. It was like one big giant sing-a-long. Rob got recruited to play a few songs with them on the drums and Brandi and I took advantage of the chance to record a little clip. I tried to embed it on this blog but it didn't work out for me. Oh and I even had my busking debut…I played the drumsticks (yep, just the sticks) and was the unmicrophoned back-up singer. Clearly I brought a lot to the table with that one…
The next day, I managed to go see the world’s highest grossing film of all time on the world’s largest IMAX screen!! (Avatar)….I went by myself because I had bought my ticket ahead of time and it sold out since it was the last showing ever at that IMAX. That was such an experience. Especially with the lady next to me holding her crying daughter, texting, overlapping my arm with hers, and talking: YES, talking on her mobile the entire time. It was obnoxious, but I managed to love the movie anyhow. Brandi finished our souvenir shopping for her family and friends and we met back up at Darling Harbour to continue our adventures. I went to the massive Apple store so they could finally check out my broken microphone on my laptop. It’s still broken. Looks like I’m still on silent Skype mode…
We headed to the train station at around 6:15 Saturday night and realized that the train didn’t come until 7:15 so we headed back down the streets to find ourselves a little snack. How unsurprising that we ended up back at the busking site. Taking the 7:15 turned into the 8:15, which turned into the 9:15, which ended up with us taking the 11:15. Luckily, (heavy sarcasm) the footy game had just finished so we were on a packed train, which causes some delays. Our train arrived in Newcastle at 2:30 in the morning and we stumbled back home and crashed into our not-so-comfy beds that managed to feel like heaven for once. As exhausted as we are/were (we’re still recovering) that whirlwind weekend in Sydney was ridiculously amazing! J
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