"To Prosperity" our cheers at every wine tasting.
Saturday we went to Hunter Valley for wine tasting. It included five different vineyards and we also did cheese and chocolate tastings :)
After about the third vineyard, we were feeling good.
Saturday we went to Hunter Valley for wine tasting. It included five different vineyards and we also did cheese and chocolate tastings :)
After about the third vineyard, we were feeling good.
Lets just say the bars over here dont serve "nuts and chicken!!!!" like I claim they do at home.
On Sunday, we all went to Church180 where we met lots of really great people who are very welcoming. We went over to the worship leaders house after church for dominos pizza (their large is our small). It was great to talk to locals and dance to parlez vous franceis.
O WEEK is finally here. Its the week before classes begin and we get to talk to many organizations and get free things such as two sausage sizzle lunches (aka bbq), snow cones, red bull, smirnoff tank tops :) Campus is a pretty far and a hot walk to the train but you can cool off and relax with the bars on campus. We left exhausted but feeling officially like students.
Once we got back to our house, we needed to cool off so we met up with the guys at Bogey Hole. A nice climb around the ledge at sunset led us into a fun blow hole cave of water. We all enjoyed jumping into and being thrown upon the rocks.
Laura had her first driving experience on the left side of the road. As her co-pilot, I could hear her mumbling "keep left" just to make sure we didnt head into on coming traffic. She did a fantastic job. We borrowed the boys car to grab some groceries for the week. As we returned home, we all made quesadillas and the boys grilled out. It was a beautiful and sunshiny day :)
Also, Laura just found out today that she got a job at Bali Corner. Her first day of work is tomorrow as well were not really sure possibly a barista or a waitress. God is answering prayers and supplying us of our needs.
Funny Quote of the Day: from me to Laura..."you look like a salted pretzel!" hmmm ok.
Keep praying.

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